Authentic Learning ProjectsThe certificate program is based on student-centered learning. Each course allowed us to use the content from our reading and discussions to create learning objects. This page shows some of the learning activities I've developed. The headings are linked to my work. The links in the paragraphs will give you information about the tool used to create the project.
Partner Project Working together on projects is an excellent strategy to help learners connect. Because online learning requires interaction with ever-changing technology, tip sheets can provide quick reference information for online learners. My partner and I chose to create a tip sheet for hosting a WebEx online meeting. It was a good learning project for me as I had no experience with screenshots and graphic bubbles. Creating a Precourse Survey Using SurveyMonkey, I created a pre-course survey for an entering class to assess their level of comfort using digital technology. It is another project that I implemented in our nursing program. Authentic learning at its best! Jigsaw Collaboration The last project I will share, was created using a Jigsaw assignment design. Each member of our group chose an assessment tool, researched the classroom use, strengths and challenges, and then created a written summary using Google Docs. Take a look at our final presentation. Ideal Professional Nurse Webquest A webquest is a specifically designed learning activity the leads the student in a search for information across the web. I developed The Ideal Professional Nurse webquest to provide our freshmen students with search for the meaning of professional nursing. |